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necessity and urgency decree造句

  • His average is 60 Necessity and Urgency Decrees per year.
  • The proposal was later promulgated by a Necessity and Urgency Decree on November 3.
  • None of his Necessity and Urgency Decrees were analyzed by the legislative branch of the government.
  • Each legislative chamber must deliver a resolution expressing its approval or rejection of the Necessity and Urgency Decree.
  • N閟tor Kirchner ( 2003 2007 ) promulgated 270 Necessity and Urgency Decrees in four years and a half.
  • The Council of Magistrates of the Nation would have the power to propose new judges, and the Necessity and Urgency Decrees would have a reduced scope.
  • As with regular decrees, Necessity and Urgency Decrees are promulgated by the President, but only with " General Agreement of Ministers " ( Spanish : " Acuerdo general de ministros " ).
  • Once the Necessity and Urgency Decree is sanctioned, the Chief of Staff must send the DNU to the Permanent Bicameral Committee of the Congress in no more than ten days . Then, the Bicameral Committee delivers its report to the Senate.
  • In December 1990, the Supreme Court approved the sanction of Necessity and Urgency Decree in the so-called " Peralta Case ", in which Luis Peralta requested to declare unconstitutional the decree 36 / 90, that President Menem promulgated in 1990.
  • A decisive leader pressing a controversial agenda, Menem was not reluctant to use the presidency's powers to issue " emergency " decrees ( formally " Necessity and Urgency Decrees " ) when the Congress was unable to reach consensus on his proposed reforms.
  • It's difficult to see necessity and urgency decree in a sentence. 用necessity and urgency decree造句挺难的
  • The planned use of foreign exchange reserves through a Necessity and Urgency Decree was itself questioned by several opposition figures, who argued that such a decree may not meet a threshold of " necessity " and " urgency " required by the Constitution of Argentina for its enactment.
  • The legitimacy of President Cristina Kirchner's policy decision to set aside a portion of the Central Bank's reserves through a Necessity and Urgency Decree was itself questioned by several opposition figures, who argued that the reserves can be only used to keep the value of currency and not for commercial purposes, that the Central Bank is independent, and that only Congress can bypass it through a law.
  • During the presidency of Cristina Fern醤dez de Kirchner ( 2007-20015 ) she signed five Necessity and Urgency Decrees until March 2009 . Since then, she issued three DNU's creating new ministries, another one creating a welfare plan, a decree to remove Mart韓 Redrado as president of the Central Bank, and other three Necessity and Urgency Decrees related to the payment of public debt The total number is 13 DNU's in three years of presidency, or four Necessity and Urgency Decrees per year.
  • During the presidency of Cristina Fern醤dez de Kirchner ( 2007-20015 ) she signed five Necessity and Urgency Decrees until March 2009 . Since then, she issued three DNU's creating new ministries, another one creating a welfare plan, a decree to remove Mart韓 Redrado as president of the Central Bank, and other three Necessity and Urgency Decrees related to the payment of public debt The total number is 13 DNU's in three years of presidency, or four Necessity and Urgency Decrees per year.
  • During the presidency of Cristina Fern醤dez de Kirchner ( 2007-20015 ) she signed five Necessity and Urgency Decrees until March 2009 . Since then, she issued three DNU's creating new ministries, another one creating a welfare plan, a decree to remove Mart韓 Redrado as president of the Central Bank, and other three Necessity and Urgency Decrees related to the payment of public debt The total number is 13 DNU's in three years of presidency, or four Necessity and Urgency Decrees per year.
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